Upcoming Presentations,
Workshops, Webinars & Courses
Stay tuned for future announcements!
More info here

Upcoming Presentations,
Workshops & Webinars
“How-To and Best Practices for Peer-Led ADHD Support Groups Online”, 2020 Virtual International Conference on ADHD, collaboration with Melissa Reskof, November 6, 2020, 2:15-3:30pm (Pacific Time).
Register Here
“Blindsided by Emotions: ADHD Solutions”, Rena-Fi, 8 week class, November 15, 2020 - January 5, 2021. Available to Rena-Fi subscribers.
More info here
“How to Manage Paper Clutter”, ADDA (Attention Deficit Disorder Association), Hybrid webinar / support group – collaboration with Erin Morper, date TBA. Free for ADDA members.

Past Presentations,
Workshops, Webinars & Courses
- “ADHD Emotional Dysregulation: Managing the Blindsides” (8-week course)
- “Blindsided by Emotions: ADHD Solutions” (8-week course)
- “Blindsided by Emotions: The Biggest Unrecognized Stumbling Block for Adults with ADHD” (with Duane Gordon) (Watch video here.)
- “Blindsided by Emotions II: A Deeper Look into the Biggest Unrecognized Stumbling Block for Adults with ADHD” (with Duane Gordon)
- "How to Talk to Your Doctor" (Masterclass)
- “5 ADHD Thinking Traps”
- “ADHD & Depression”
- “ADHD, Depression & Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria”
- "Anchoring Successes"
- “Barriers to Attention”
- "Being Late/Being on Time"
- “Common Comorbid/Co-Existing Diagnoses with ADHD”
- “Communication Styles”
- “Emotional Regulation”
- "Executive Function"
- "Finishing What We Start"
- "Friendships"
- "Getting Started / Activation"
- “I-Model (Interest Based Brain Model)”
- “Love Languages”
- "Maintaining Focus"
- “Managing Finances with ADHD”
- "Mindfulness"
- "Power of the Pause"
- "Preparing for the Holidays"
- “Processing Styles”
- “Procrastination”
- “Shame”
- “Time Blindness”
- “Time Management & Prioritizing”
- “Unmet Needs”
- “Working Memory”
- “What is Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria (RSD)? A Learning Opportunity”
- "The ADHD Coach Buffet"
- "Rejection Sensitivity"
- “Rejection Sensitivity: What is It, and How Can I Deal with It?” (Listen here - available to ADDA members.)
- “Mindset Matters: Reframing for Hope and Happiness” (Watch video here - available to ADDA members.)
- "Understanding ADHD-Related Emotional Dysregulation and Rejection Sensitivity"
- "15 Ways to Help Children with ADHD"
- "Improving Communication and Connection Through Open Questions"
- "Navigating Summer When ADHD is in the Family Mix"
- "Self-Care for Parents"
- "Summer Fun & Planning"
- "Ways to Support Your ADHD Child In School"
- "What Can Be Done For ADHD at Home?"
- "Worry, Anxiety and Self-Regulation in Children with ADHD"
- "How-To and Best Practices for Peer-Led ADHD Support Groups Online” (with Melissa Reskof)
- "What is ADHD, Anyway, and Why Do I Need to Know About It?"
- "Executive Functioning"
- "Executive Functions"
- "My ADHD Story" (Renee's experience from childhood to teaching career with undiagnosed ADHD)