Renee has coached clients who face a wide range of ADHD challenges. She has developed special expertise in and/or given educational talks on the following topics:
- Changing Careers with ADHD
- Emotional Regulation / Dysregulation with ADHD
- Executive Functions within ADHD
- Finishing Things / Getting Distracted with ADHD
- Food Sensitivities and ADHD
- Friendship Skills with ADHD
- Getting Started / Procrastination with ADHD
- Grief Following Adult Diagnosis of ADHD
- Managing Household Chores with ADHD
- Rejection Sensitivity with ADHD and Rejection Sensitivity Disorder
- Self Worth and Shame and ADHD
- Sleep Hygiene with ADHD
- Surviving Divorce and the End of Long-Term Relationships with ADHD
- Tackling Paper Clutter with ADHD
- Teaching with ADHD
- Time Awareness / Time Management / Chronic Lateness with ADHD
- Verbal Processing and ADHD
Renee's Past Presentations